5 min

Virgin Green Mojito Mocktail

Come mocktail hour, serve your besties in style with this easy but awesome take on the classic mojito made with Lipton Diet Green Tea Citrus.Boost your moment of well-being with our Virgin Green Mojito!

Half a glass crushed ice
1 tsp mojito syrup
1 cup Lipton Green Tea Citrus
small handful mint

optional: slice of lime to garnish

Total Sugar

100 ml 1.4 g
per serving 3.5 g

Total Calories

100 ml 7 kcal
per serving 16 kcal


*per serving size (1 cup)

Featuring this Lipton Refreshment:


  1. Half-fill a tall glass with crushed ice.
  2. Add Lipton Diet Green Tea Citrus and mix well.
  3. Add the mojito syrup.
  4. Finish with fresh mint leaves and let your mocktail party begin!

Recipe provided by Melissa Coleman at The Faux Martha https://www.instagram.com/p/CN28-2ZngXe/

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